3 Crazy Message Game Stories

Over the last few years I have been on a journey, exploring the dating lifestyle with top figures in the game. So much has happened, this is just a small taste.
1. Nigerian Puke
You know this is gonna be a good one.
I met a Nigerian girl at a university in London, England. The moment I walked into the room of an event, she saw me and engaged with me in conversation. That day I got her to send me a friend request on Facebook, so that she could see my life, you know, because I would continue to exist and all.
It turned out that she had the same name as my ex girlfriend, who was also Nigerian.
Shortly after meeting that one time we set up a date, I wanted to take her out so we could eat Nigerian food. There was a place not so far away from my place. #Logistics
So we went on the date, ate Nigerian food, and… I almost immediately puked onto my plate.
Luckily there were large paper towels in a roll on the table, so I used my initiative to place all the splodge in there in a neat big paper ball for the restaurant staff to have a pleasant surprise when we leave.
But I still took her home and went to bed with her.
2. The L’Oréal Model
If you ever see me argue with guys that claim Tinder is a waste of time, this one experience is why that’s complete bullshit from people who don’t know what they are talking about.
In the late Summer of 2018 I matched with a girl on Tinder who I was particularly interested in. I didn’t even know she was a model or what she did, all I knew is that she looked stunning.
I very quickly got her phone number and we soon met for our first date. I took her to a club, took her backstage and even on the stage of the very famous KOKO Camden in London. I very swiftly took her home with me that night, and we kept seeing each other for a long period of time.
I learned of her modeling success, but I was also taken by the fact that she wanted to be a bio-chemist and studied very hard at that. We traveled across Canada in the height of Winter and did great things together. Eventually we split up over something so silly; as it always goes.
But that is why only noobs rule out Tinder. Don’t give up before you even try.
3. Going To Another Country For A First Date
To clarify, this is how I went traveling with a girl for our first date, this is not me going to another country to meet a girl, but I have more stories for that too.
In 2019 I matched with a girl from Tinder who appeared to be a bit of a rockstar. Turns out that she is in fact a ‘music manager’ of various well known DJs and bands, and she travels around the world on their tours to manage them.
(I would love to say the names, but I must be quiet on that one)
Using the ‘3 things’ line, as outlined in the book, one of her suggestions of what a great date would be was to travel to another country.
Let’s do it.
We planned one meeting so that I could meet her briefly for about 30 minutes so we could book the transport and the rooms we would be staying in for each city. She booked the transport, I booked the AirBNB. The secondary purpose of this was so I could also see what she is really like, to make sure we get along well, etc. We really hit it off.
Less than a week later, we both arrived to be on our way to our first stop. We spent a day, and the night, in a different city in the same country that I had never been to. We had sex, of course.
The next day we went to 2 different cities in a different country, staying in one of them for a few days and we had sex every single day.
Not only did I visit some places I never visited before, I was able to tick a new country from my bucket list and at the same time have the full company and benefits of a girl.
All these stories are featured and broken down in my new book, The Message Game. It includes screenshots of the conversations from Tinder, Facebook and more apps, and is so much more than just messaging to get dates. It is a guide to planning dates, getting dates and making dates successful.