Ashamed Of Being A ‘Pick-Up Artist’?

Hey, it’s Ciaran.
Are you ashamed of being outed as a ‘pick-up artist’?
Would you be embarrassed if someone found out you studied game?
I suppose I understand why you feel that way…
After all, the media has never stopped shaming ‘pick-up artists’ for supposedly ‘tricking’ and ‘manipulating’ women into bed.
People who have never studied game in their life would probably associate Joe, Ice and I with ‘negs’, ‘peacocking’ and routines like ‘The Cube’.
But let’s get real for a second…
First off, we’ve never taught anything even close to these outdated techniques.
Secondly, there’s no need to adopt any kind of ‘pick-up persona’ when you’re out meeting women.
All you need to be is the best version of yourself.
If anyone was to ask me if I was a pick-up artist, I’d probably tell them I was a sociable guy who likes talking to beautiful women.
Of course, I also coach men how to become that sociable guy who women are naturally drawn to.
And this Sunday at 18.00 BST (13.00 EST / 10.00 PST), I’ll be hosting a live webinar offering expert tips on How To Get Girls By Being Yourself.
It’ll be hosted on Zoom and Facebook. If you want to join me on the call, click here to RSVP >>
When you RSVP, you’ll be e-mailed a reminder shortly before the call begins, and a replay of the call shortly after we finish.
Hope to see you there!