Ice White

Ice is a Canadian bestselling author, and founder of Game Global. His book, The Message Game, is the most practical book on online dating and has helped thousands of men around the world get dates within days of reading it. He is also the creator of MGAI, the AI wingman for online dating.

Ross Jeffries NLP Patterns

Ross Jeffries is known for being in the book The Game, but also for his extensive career using NLP patterns and Speed Seduction, even going on NBC in 1992.

Cancel Culture Podcast

When I walked into the studio of Cancel Culture Podcast, I saw a man on the floor with a dog collar, chained to a 19 year old girl who does OnlyFans.

Rollo Tomassi & The Red Pill

In December 2022, I interviewed Rollo Tomassi. I asked him about the ‘red pill’ and the ‘black pill’, and how damaging these ideas or concepts can be.

MGAI Beta: AI For Online Dating

Message Game AI (MGAI Beta) is an AI bot hosted via Telegram to help you message your Tinder matches and any other messaging interactions you have in the context of online dating.