Best Pickup Artist 2024

 Best Pickup Artist 2024

Game Global hosted the Best Pickup Artist 2024 vote, which also lists the best pickup artists for day game, night game, social circle game and message game in 2024. Here are the results.


Best Pickup Artist 2024

Best Pickup Artist 2024 PUA Erik Von Markovik Mystery Neil Strauss The Game Todd VanDeHey Todd V RSD Todd Markus Wolf UMP Ultimate Man Project Justin Marc Austen Summers

The following figures were voted as the best at pickup artists in 2024.

1. Erik Von Markovik (Mystery)

2. Todd VanDeHey (Todd V)

3. Markus Wolf

4. Justin Marc

5. Austen Summers

Honorable mentions: Alex Vilenchik (Playing With Fire) & Owen Cook (Formerly RSD Tyler).


Best Day Gamer 2024

Best PUA Day Gamer 2024 Todd VanDeHey Todd Valentine Todd V Xaneus Erik Von Markovik Mystery Austen Summers Daygame Day Game Pickup Artist Infield

The following figures were voted as the best at day game.

1. Todd VanDeHey (Todd V)

2. Erik Von Markovik (Mystery)

3. Austen Summers

Honorable mentions: Justin Marc & Markus Wolf.


Best Night Gamer 2024

Best PUA Night Gamer 2024 Justin Marc Erik Von Markovik Mystery Markus Wolf Daygame Day Game Infield

The following figures were voted as the best at night game.

1. Justin Marc

2. Erik Von Markovik (Mystery)

3. Markus Wolf

Honorable mentions: Todd VanDeHey (Todd V) & Robert Beck (Beckster).


Best Message Gamer 2024

Best PUA Message Gamer 2024 Message GamePlaying With Fire Alex Vilenchik Todd V Todd Valentine Todd VanDeHey RSD Todd Patrick Krajcsi Veiled Intentions Pat Todd V

The following figures were voted as the best at message game.

1. Alex Vilenchik (Playing With Fire)

2. Todd VanDeHey (Todd V, formerly RSD Todd)

3. Patrick Krajcsi (Veiled Intentions)

Honorable mentions: Markus Wolf & Ice White.


Best Social Circle Gamer 2024

Best PUA Social Circle Gamer Social Circle Game Men Of Action Mentoring MOA Michael Sartain Erik Von Markovik Mystery Justin Marc

The following figures were voted as the best at social circle game.

1. Erik Von Markovik (Mystery)

2. Michael Sartain

3. Justin Marc

Honorable mentions: Dan Bilzerian & Owen Cook (Formerly RSD Tyler).


Best Pickup Artist Bootcamps

See our LIVE Community Bootcamps Map showing trusted bootcamps by some of the best pickup artist coaches in the community.


Best Pickup Artists Of All Time

See the Greatest Pickup Artists Of All Time list, also listed according to the Game Global community.

Greatest Pickup Artists Of All Time Pickup Artist Pick Up Artist 2023 Mystery Erik Von Markovik Julien Blanc RSD Julien Owen Cook RSD Tyler RSD Owen Real Social Dynamics Markus Wolf UMP Ultimate Man Project Neil Strauss Style The Game Todd VanDeHey Todd V Xaneus Shaun Michael Discovery Venusian Arts Alex Lindberg JMULV John Mulvehill John Anthony Austen Summers Ross Jeffries Andrew Tate Maximilian Berger RSD Max Vadim Dorfman Honest Signalz Stan Tayi Matador Jeff Allen RSD Jeffy JLAIX Tom Ralis Tom Torero Chris Odom Lovedrop Mystery Method Zan Perrion Adam Lyons Dating Coach


Join The Pickup Artist Community

Pickup Artist Community Seduction Community Wingman Lair PUA

Join the seduction community across all platforms to see field reports, meet wingmen and stay in touch with the game.


Make Nominations For Best Pickup Artist

See the Best Pickup Artist Nomination List for details in nominating pickup artists for future votes.

Ice White

Ice is a Canadian bestselling author, and founder of Game Global. His book, The Message Game, is the most practical book on online dating and has helped thousands of men around the world get dates within days of reading it. He is also the creator of MGAI, the AI wingman for online dating.

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