Hey, its Ciaran, Is your life on track outside of chasing women?
This is feels like a lesson we need to experience, before we truly learn to have freedom from outcome.
Hey, it’s Ciaran. Do you feel unsure about what you want to achieve in 2021?
Imagine meeting up with 3 girls at the same time for a formal date at, let’s say, a restaurant… How would most guys handle this? How would the girls react? Awkward. Now imagine meeting up with 3 girls just for a casual activity like shopping in malls. You can take photos with each other, go […]
5 Golden Tips To Transform You Into A Carefree Badass The ability to not give a fuck is a superpower when it comes to seducing women. If you can just learn to not care around these hotties, I promise they’ll be far more interested in you. This is the one ingredient you really need to […]
In this video guide, you’ll discover how to recreate that amazing attractive feeling of having no inhibitions WITHOUT consuming any alcohol. Deep down, most guys know they shouldn’t be drinking so much alcohol when meeting women. They know it’s unhealthy and expensive. They know about hangovers. But that’s not enough of a reason for them […]
Hey, it’s Ciaran. Most humans are terrible at making good decisions. Especially when it comes to dating decisions. Perhaps you’re one of them… If you’re unsatisfied with your dating life, it’s only due to a series of bad decisions. But it’s not your fault. Your brain tricks you into thinking they’re GOOD. Still with me? […]
My guide to pushing past your insecurities and going for what you actually want. Hey, it’s Ciaran. You’re a damn schizophrenic – and you don’t even know it! All humans are! If I ask you: “Do you want to date loads of amazing hot women this month?” …you’ll probably say “Hell yeah, Ciaran!” That’s the […]
Game is not for cowards Hey, it’s Ciaran. In order to make progress in game, you have to leave your comfort zone. The first time you’re… approaching a woman during the daytime approaching a group going for a kiss pulling on the first date winning the attention of the perfect 10 in the VIP section […]
How I motivated myself to go out and meet women consistently Hey, it’s Ciaran. There are a lot of similarities between learning game and building muscle at the gym. The key to success with both is simple, in theory. Turn up regularly. Put in the reps. Become stronger. Try something tougher. With that cycle in […]