I put together a panel of AI experts and dating app CEOs to pioneer the discussion of the intersection of AI and online dating by launching the AI Online Dating Podcast.
A Game Global poll found that only 7% of men who tried using ChatGPT for online dating advice said it was helpful. The vast majority of these men in fact had a negative opinion about ChatGPT’s usefulness in this area.
The secrets of the Tinder algorithm are best known by Tinder employees. So I asked a Tinder employee some questions about the Tinder algorithm and what it tracks.
Message Game AI (MGAI Beta) is an AI bot hosted via Telegram to help you message your Tinder matches and any other messaging interactions you have in the context of online dating.
Dating models is something that a lot of men dream of. Perhaps it’s a lifestyle thing, but undeniably it’s actually more of a status and beauty thing. So we asked hundreds of men ‘have you ever dated or had sex with a model?’ and the results were quite interesting.
Something I get asked a lot is what’s the best type of message to send to get a girl’s attention and to that, my dear friend, I always say the ping message. Now the word ping comes from internet terminology. Basically a modem ping determines if a device is up and running by sending […]
So before I get started, let me say that it’s ridiculously difficult to keep a woman’s interest with words alone. 93% of your communication comes from your body language, eye contact, and vocal tonality. This means that only 7% of the feeling a woman gets from you in person comes from the specific words you […]
It’s true and I’ll tell you why. You see, something that’s pissed me off for the last five years is people I know waiting to see me in person to say how much they love my content. They almost never say it online. They usually don’t like or comment on my posts or even […]
Social circle game is extremely underrated and not talked about enough among people in the dating scene.
Greetings, humans. Back in 2016 and 2017 I stumbled upon something that helped me get phone numbers from Tinder very fast, in as little as 2-3 messages.