Dating Coach Panel: Short Coaches

Ice White assembled a solid panel for the fourth episode of the Dating Coach Panel, featuring Markus Wolf (Ultimate Man Project), Alex James from (4 Week Natural & Real Social Dynamics), Alex Vilenchik (PWF), Sam Matheson (RSD) and Sam Overton (Fluid Social).
Short Dating Coach Panel
For the fourth episode of Game Global’s Dating Coach Panel, we had some of the top dating coaches and some up and coming coaches. On this panel:
- Ice White (Game Global)
- Markus Wolf (Ultimate Man Project)
- Alex James (4 Week Natural & Real Social Dynamics)
- Alex Vilenchik (Playing With Fire)
- Sam Matheson (Real Social Dynamics)
- Sam Overton (Fluid Social)
RSD Alex & RSD Sam On Real Social Dynamics
Alex James, who was formerly RSD Alex at Real Social Dynamics, shared his experience with RSD. Sam Matheson was also a coach for Real Social Dynamics as RSD Sam. Alex mentioned that being part of Real Social Dynamics was not easy, and wasn’t as glamorous as people thought it would be. However, he did say that it made him, as well as Sam, stronger.
Sam Matheson recognized that being an RSD Instructor was such a huge thing at the time, so he grabbed a credit card and booked a spot for himself at the RSD Winter Summit in Miami as well as a bootcamp with Oen Cook (RSD Tyler) and Jeff Allen (RSD Jeffy). It cost him a gigantic $12,000, just so he could be around the guys running Real Social Dynamics to ask if he could intern for them. After doing game out on the bootcamp and winging Owen Cook, he managed to talk to Owen for 7 hours straight in a spa about life. Sam went left Miami to go back to Australia, thinking the whole trip had been a failure. But not long later, Owen called Sam on a Tuesday and told him to come back that same week… With just 48 hours notice. Sam then had to quit his job within a day and fly all the way to the USA once again to start interning for RSD.
Verbal Game & Never Running Out Of Things To Say
Alex Vilenchik (Playing With Fire) said that repetition is great for practice. Desensitizing yourself to the anxiety of talking to women and giving less of a fuck will help you become more likely to never run out of things to say.
Sam Matheson backed up Alex’s point and explained that the average man talks between 15-60 minutes per day, and the average woman talks for about 4 hours per day. So his ultimate tip is simply to talk more, stretching your talking time to double what you’re used to, and to then increase that even more. Talk more, in general, in life.
Sam Overton added that you should accept that you might make mistakes, instead of seeking to be perfect. Seeking perfection will create problems for you.
Markus Wolf wants people to ask themselves why they are having these interactions in the first place. Do you want to make her feel comfortable? Do you want to demonstrate some of your value? Then you can figure out what you can say instead of just talking for the sake of talking. You can also implement changes by reflecting on how you were presenting yourself, such as if you were talking about your job in a very boring way. That way you can improve for the next time; reflect and review.
Alex James went took an interesting shot at this topic. He semi-jokingly recommends talking to hookers in Las Vegas, but has an incredible point. Hookers and strippers can be intimidating to inexperienced men, making them the perfect partners to practice having a conversation with, especially because these women gain a lot of male attention. He suggests running the ‘alphabet drill’ in a situation like this, where you can to run through the entire alphabet one phrase or sentences at a time, starting with a topic that begins with the letter A. For example, ‘I ate an avocado today, do you like bananas? I have a cat. Do you like dogs?’. It becomes lighthearted humor, as you’re effectively playing a harmless and somewhat random game. He also mentions the conversation map, which provides a very useful compass for your verbal game.
Dating Advice For Short Guys (Short Kings)
Before diving into the topic, we first clarified the height of each panelist:
- Ice White 6’2″
- Markus Wolf: 6’0″
- Alex Vilenchik: 5’10”
- Sam Overton: 5’9″
- Alex James: 5’8″
- Sam Matheson: 5’7″
Alex James says that heightism is a thing, and he knows guys who have used shoe lifts that have seen better results, which then inspired them to come out of their shells more and become more expressive with their personalities. And when it comes to the bedroom, since the connection has already been established, it doesn’t really matter if you suddenly seem shorter to a girl. It’s better to get a chance than to never get a chance at all.
Alex Vilenchik recommends not taking photos with people who are taller than you, and that you should take more photos of yourself sitting if you’re a short guy. He strongly advises people to stay away from any surgeries that claim to increase your height. He also says you should avoid putting your height in your Tinder bio if you’re short.
Sam Overton said that you can always find someone who has the same ‘deficit’ as you (If you think of it that way) that has gained success. Find one example of a guy your height who has success with women, and use that as your fuel.
Sam Matheson made it his mission to try to sleep with women who are taller than him, and shared that there’s nothing more humbling or humiliating than struggling to align your pelvis with a woman during sex doing doggy style because you’re smaller than her, especially when you have to stand up when she’s on her knees. He recommends Conzuri or Alexander McQueen shoes for short guys. But he also notes that there are plenty of great shorter guys like Marlon Brando (5’10”), Dan Bilzerian (5’9″), James Dean (5’8″), Kanye West (5’8″), Floyd Mayweather (5’8″) and Kevin Hart (5’2″). So you can develop your personality, your fitness level and optimize whatever else can be optimized to compensate for your below average height.
Markus Wolf wanted to clarify that people shouldn’t see height through the lens of red pill or dating apps, because the reality is that while women on Tinder might have some high-reaching height preferences with men who are 6 feet or more, you should look at people’s relationships in the real world and see the fairly even distribution. What particularly frustrates Markus is that he sees a lot of guys blame one particular insecurity of theirs, whether that’s height, ethnicity or balding, for why they can’t get results, and that’s a very limiting belief to have.
Book Recommendations
Alex Vilenchik recommends:
- The Rise of Superman – Steven Kotler
- Total Recall – Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Elon Musk – Ashlee Vance
- Atomic Habits – James Clear
- The 48 Laws Of Power – Robert Greene
Sam Matheson recommends:
- The Count Of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
- James Bond (Series) – Ian Fleming
- The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
- Psycho-Cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz
Sam Overton recommends:
- The Alabaster Girl – Zan Perrion
- Pimp – Robert Beck
Alex James recommends:
- I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell – Tucker Max
- Assholes Finish First – Tucker Max
- Hilarity Ensues – Tucker Max
- The Male Brain – Louann Brizendine
- The Female Brain – Louann Brizendine
Markus Wolf recommends:
- Rejection Proof – Jia Jiang
Ice White recommends:
- The One Thing – Gary Keller
Alcohol & Night Game
Markus Wolf says that alcohol can help some guys get rid of their inhibitions temporarily, but a lot of guys tend to lose control and overdo it. So what ends up happening is that their game gets better, and then just crashes down again. He advises that you should cut your alcohol intake down to only one or two, because it can become bad for your game. And then if you want to, cut out the alcohol completely so you don’t rely on it.
Ice White hasn’t had alcohol for almost 5 years, giving it up at his own wedding in 2019 with a glass of champagne. When he was younger he used to mix energy drinks with vodka, rum or tequila, and then became less reliant on alcohol, as well as energy drinks, over time. Ice White only ever drinks water, lemonade, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Inca Kola, Irn Bru, milk, hot chocolate or orange juice.
Alex James has a great way to think about alcohol… Don’t need it, don’t fear it. It’s okay to drink a little alcohol on dates and at after-parties, but you have to love it so much that you could never get addicted. This is to say that you can respect it, but not abuse it.
Sam Matheson makes an interesting point, having learned that high status men tend to convince the people around them to drink at events and business transactions so they can learn more about if you slip up or change personality. So staying sharp when you do drink alcohol is also important.