Dating Coach Panel: 4 Coaches

Ice White assembled yet another panel of coaches on the Dating Coach Panel, featuring Mike PickupAlpha, Markus Wolf and Ciaran Callam.
Dating Coach Panel
For the 8th episode of Game Global’s Dating Coach Panel, we just had a small number of coaches. On this panel:
- Ice White (Game Global)
- Ciaran Callam (Game Global)
- Mike Ke (Mike PickupAlpha)
- Markus Wolf (Ultimate Man Project)
Black Pill
Markus Wolf sees that black pill is the equivalent to a bunch of fat guys blaming the food industry for making them overweight instead of having the discipline to look inward and actually take accountability. It is therefore much easier to join a red pill podcast and complain that women only care about what a man looks like than it is to blame yourself for your shortcomings.
Ciaran Callam finds that black pill guys are so frustrated that they can’t even handle any challenging of their beliefs, so it is just better to ignore them and let them feel sorry for themselves.
Mike Ke (Mike PickupAlpha) agrees with Ciaran and adds that many of these guys are so hopeless that pulling them out of despair takes so much energy that just to get them to baseline is not even worth it. They have a victim mentality instead of focusing on taking action and actually getting results.
Are We Dating The Same Guy?
Markus Wolf said that his business partner might have ended up being shown around on an ‘Are We Dating The Same Guy?’ group, but doesn’t think it’s a big enough deal for guys to worry about. Your life won’t be over if you just have one bad date, just as long as you are actually calibrated.
Mike PickupAlpha states that it would be a best practice not to put all your information out there carelessly. Having been canceled in the media around the same time as Tom Torero, he is wary of the consequences that can occur, and he has lost several dates as a result of girls Googling his name and finding fake news about him. However, missing out on a few dates isn’t a terrible thing if you have abundance.
Ciaran Callam adds that being open about being non-monogamous, especially by making it obvious on social media like Instagram, helps girls to not need to second guess you. If she has a lack of information about you, she might conclude that you have something to hide.
Social Circle Game & Cold Approach
Mike PickupAlpha sees that social circle game is more advanced and should demand that you at least have your life in order and a solid career before you really get into it. Social circle game is pointless if you can’t even hold a 5 minute conversation with a girl. What you should do is roughy 6 months of cold approach before working your way upwards.
Markus Wolf says that if a coach is coaching one thing, that’s okay, but they shouldn’t be dismissing other forms of game based on that. It is necessary to develop some skills before doing social circle game, and before doing so, you still need some game.
Ciaran Callam added that it doesn’t matter how you meet women, and being dogmatic about which avenue you need to meet women is just idiotic. Cold approach has its place and so does social circle game, and none of it is above online dating.
Setting Boundaries With Women
Markus Wolf highlights that there are many different ways you can deal with boundaries, and some people’s boundaries might be more extreme than others. For example, some guys might be bothered if a girl brings out her phone during dinner, while other guys wouldn’t care. There are some guys who enforce boundaries that don’t even need to be enforced because they’re ridiculously unnecessary.
Mike PickupAlpha adds that it’s one thing to set boundaries and another thing to enforce them. You can allow girls 1-3 warnings, but you need to have the willingness to walk away. It is up to you to define what you boundaries are.
Is It Better NOT To Kiss Girls?
Markus Wolf tells his students not to kiss and not to escalate too much. Teasing and pulling back builds sexual tension and gives the girl room to chase.
Mike PickupAlpha added that there are often students of his who end up, for example, kissing a girl 16 times, highlighting that no real progress is made between kissing her 15 times and 16 times. Kissing a girl in front of her friends a lot can also trigger the ‘mama bear’ to interfere. A lot of guys get too dug into the idea of making out, and it’s not really necessary for pulling and having sex.