If You’re ‘Fed Up’ Of Meeting Women

How to shake yourself out of this rut – and start living an exciting life.
Hey, it’s Joe.
We deal with a lot of guys who say they’re ‘fed up’ of meeting women.
Even some coaches in our space are saying ‘cold approach is dying’.
What a load of horseshit! We hate to see it.
Ciaran and I LOVE meeting women from a cold approach and taking her on a spontaneous adventure. It’s one of our greatest hobbies.
It has led to some of our most treasured memories, whether we had sex with that woman or not.
The ability to meet anyone in any situation opens so many doors for your life!
That’s what we ultimately want for you guys…for you to look back at your youth and say: “Wow, that was a wild ride.”
Can you say that about your life at the moment? What are you doing to change that?
If nothing, we want to help you make a massive shift.
Our GAME ACADEMY group coaching is half-price until July 7.
With your Lifetime VIP membership, you get access to all of our daygame footage, so you can see how awesome meeting girls can be.
Also, our archive of epic pull stories, so you can learn exactly how to inspire these beautiful women to come on an adventure back to your place.
Plus, you get unlimited group coaching, so you can ask us endless questions about how to create the dating life you always wanted.
There are tons of guys already in the Game Academy VIP group, who are excited and pushing each other to live their best lives.
If you want to become part of this inspiring tribe with us, now is the time to act.
Prices double in around 48 hours.
So, click here now to claim your half-price Game Academy membership.
Speak soon,