Mission 1: The Street Dance Challenge

We have something special for you. Today we will start these so-called Game Global Missions, and we will release one every 2-4 weeks. The objective is to have fun but to also inspire you guys to take action and make things interesting.
The Street Dance Challenge
Submitted by: Evan of Game Berlin
Find someone playing music in public, whether that is on a street, in a park or in a subway station, and make a video of you trying to get a girl dancing with you. We don’t care if it’s an old lady or a normal woman, anything is fine. If you get a girl to dance with you, you win. Once you have the video, post it on the Game Global Facebook group with #GameGlobalMission. We look forward to seeing it!
Our favorite one will be selected and then posted in the next Game Global Mission post!
Game City Of The Week
Game Tijuana, for growing rapidly in just 2 days and flowing with amazing activity between Mexican gamers and American gamers from the neighboring Game San Diego.