How To Never Run Out Of Things To Say

I asked dating coach Alex James if guys could learn how to never run out of things to say. Alex James was an Instructor for Real Social Dynamics (RSD) from 2007 to 2015.
Since then he has started his own company called 4 Week Natural (4WN) so he could host immersive bootcamps that are longer than just 3 days.
Never Run Out Of Things To Say In-Person
Alex James probably has the most infield experience for a coach on the planet; his bootcamps are 4-5 weeks long, whereas the typical industry standard, like from RSD, tends to be about 3 days. It is clear to me that Alex James cares about teaching, otherwise he wouldn’t have given his students roughly 10 times the amount of time that other dating coaches have for bootcamps.
4 weeks is plenty of time to learn from a professional dating coach in the field.
So I asked Alex James (Alex Social) if guys can learn how to never run out of things to say.
It turns out that he has a map of ways you can conduct conversations, and I found that very interesting. This is some wizard shit.
Note: The diagram above has a mistake; negs should be in the bottom-left quadrant.
There are four directions on the compass of this conversation map:
- Postive
- Negative
- Silly
- Serious
Then there are four levels:
- Safe
- Edgy
- Over The Top
- Extreme
Then there are four forms:
- About You
- About Her
- Questions
- Statements
This gives 64 variables of what to talk about…
Something can be Positive-Silly, Positive-Serious, Negative-Silly or Negative-Serious as the base-level.
Here are some iconic movie/TV show quotes and where they would approximately fit in these categories:
Negative-Silly/Edgy/About [The Robbers]: “Keep the change, ya filthy animal.” – Home Alone, 1990
Negative-Silly/Extreme/About [Natalie Waters]: “YOU’RE AN INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECT!” – In Bruges, 2008
Negative-Serious/Edgy/About [Alan Garner]: “You are literally too stupid to insult.” – The Hangover, 2009
Negative-Serious/Edgy/About [Ricardo Tubbs]: “Don’t ever come up to my face like this again, Detective.” – Miami Vice, 1984
Negative-Serious/Over The Top/About [Billy Madison]: “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.” – Billy Madison, 1995
Positive-Silly Themes
Self Aggrandizing: “I’m a genius.”
Roleplay: “Let’s make love under a waterfall naked in Hawaii.”
Misinterpretation: “You said you’re from Nebraska, or you said you’re from a stripclub? I didn’t hear that.”
Silly Compliments: “Oh my goodness, you are attractive like Ariel the mermaid.”
Future Adventurous Projection: “In the future I definitely want to have an affair with you, I don’t think I want to marry you.”
Accusations: “You’re looking at my ass.”
Sarcasm: “I really wanna get to third base with you.”
Positive-Serious Themes
Deep Rapport: “What’s your dream job?”
Compliments: “This is the most stylish I have ever seen you look.”
Introduction: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex. I have a creative media company and I’m really interested to meet you.”
Humble Brag: “I have quit my job and now I’m an investor and looking to start a real estate company.”
Qualification: “You’re super intelligent.”
Call To Action: “I would like to dance with you.”
Hypothetical Call To Action: “Hey, we should dance later.”
Negative-Silly Themes
Teasing: “If a girl likes a guy that makes her laugh… Does that mean you wanna sleep with me?”
Sarcasm: “I’m totally breaking up with you.”
Self Deprication: “You make me wet my pants.”
Negative-Serious Themes
Overt Demonstration Fear Of Loss: “Hey, we’re going to the table. Are you coming with us or not coming with us?”
Empathy: “Sorry for interrupting, I know you’re having girls night.”
Skepticism: “You’re making that up.”
Criticism: “You agreed with yourself that you would be more committed to your health and fitness because you value those things, but you’re letting yourself down.”
Call Outs: “I’m not the fucking Salvation Army. I’ll buy one drink, but not buying five.”
Personal Boundaries: “I’m only gonna buy one drink, not five.”
Vulnerability: “Do you consent to me kissing you?”
Negs: “You have an adorable overbite.”
Alex James clarified that negs are “fucked up”. It somehow became famous in movies globally after Erik Von Markovik (Mystery) came up with it in a book. Negs are an attempt to bring someone’s value down, and that’s a very negative and offensive thing to do and should not be advised.
Conversation Casanova
For more about Alex James’s methods on this, I recommend looking into Conversation Casanova.
Never Run Out Of Things To Say On Tinder
MGAI: The AI Wingman For Online Dating
If you are stuck on what to say to women on dating apps, social media or messages in general, we have released the MGAI Beta. It is the AI wingman for online dating, developed by former Google employees: Ice White and the Novo AI team.
You don’t have to even think anymore. You don’t have to come up with a witty response or shoot your shot, when your accuracy might already be… Fucking useless enough as it is.
This literally means you will never run out of things to say when dealing with your Tinder matches. The AI chatbot does it all for you.
You can read more about MGAI in these places:
- Game Global – MGAI Beta: AI For Online Dating
- Rachel New Dating Coach – The Future Of Dating: More Artificial Or More Organic?
- Medium – Chat-GPT For Getting Laid? I Tested The AI Designed To Seduce Women On Tinder