A guy asked me how to pick up women if you’re average-looking. This is my message to him and other plain-looking guys.
We have published a new free e-book for you guys. This free e-book contains 21 PRO tips to get laid quickly.
In this post, you’ll learn a powerful exercise that will give the mental strength to never give up on your self-improvement journey – or anything else.
I have a solution for what to do when a girl is always late. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but it’s effective. Hey, it’s Joe. In Peru, women are always late. Throughout the whole of South America, they’re always late. Maybe throughout the whole world. I personally can’t stand this, so I made a solution. It’s not […]
Someone gave me the book The Game by Neil Strauss back in early 2016, and I read it eagerly. Just like a lot of its readers, I Googled ‘Real Social Dynamics’ (RSD) to find more about it. The company was portrayed quite negatively in the book, but it’s often the first thing people check after […]
/ If not, it’s something you’ll need to cultivate to attract women long term. In this episode of the podcast, Ciaran speaks to Game Global cofounder Joe Elvin about his new book Big Dick Energy and how it can transform not just your romantic relationships but your friendships too. Need coaching? Book a call […]
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