How To Meet Girls Online (Hinge Number & Date Close)

Before we get started I wanna say that this woman is pretty damn close to my ideal in terms of looks & personality, and that’s all down to the profile I’ve created. You need to think like a marketer when creating an online dating profile. Who is the target audience you’re trying to attract, and […]

Podcast #43: Why Friendzoned Guys Are Better Than Many PUAs

The truth is that men who are deeply in the friendzone actually have a lot to teach us about success with women, and not in an ironic way too. The average friendzoned man is doing a ton of things right that most PUAs aren’t and actually has a lot of valuable lessons to share about […]

Podcast #42: How To Be A Better Man

 Today’s episode is all about how to be a better man in your life. Here, Ciaran spoke to J Macdaniel Conto about the different strategies we can use to not only become better with women, but more productive, successful, popular and generally happier men in general who love what we see in the mirror. […]

Podcast #41: Why You Didn’t Make Her Cum

If you’ve never once doubted your performance in bed, click away because this episode isn’t for you. If you’re one of the millions of men who have though; you’re about to learn a lot because in this episode, Ciaran spoke to sex therapist Simone Farshi about the sexual mistakes guys make and how we can […]

Podcast #40: How To Flirt Like A Pro

Alright guys, Do you struggle to flirt in a smooth and natural way? Do you currently find it awkward or a bit creepy? If so, you have to watch the video I just uploaded. In this video, you’ll see me flirting with a beautiful French woman, with a detailed breakdown of exactly why I’m saying the things I am. […]

Podcast #39: Hot Girl Roasts Guys’ Tinder Profiles

In today’s episode, Ciaran got his friend Yana to go through some Tinder profiles submitted by the Game Global community. If you’ve ever wondered what goes through girls’ minds when they’re swiping left and right and why they overlook your profile, this is the episode for you. Listen to the podcast or watch the YouTube […]

To All The Women Who Ever Rejected Me…

Here’s what I’d say if I gather them all in one room…  Hey, it’s Ciaran… If I could gather all the women who ever rejected me into a room today, do you know what I would say?  I’d say: “Thank You”.  Want to know why?  It’s because: when a woman rejects you for being needy […]

3 Common Reasons Why You Didn’t Get A Second Date

Did you think the first date went well? Are you confused as to why she’s ignoring you now? Here are 3 common reasons why a woman doesn’t want a second date. Hey, it’s Joe. Having previously been on a ton of dates which I thought went well only to never hear from that woman again, […]

Podcast #38: How Jacopo Got 11x More Girls

In this episode Ciaran spoke to his coaching client Jacopo; a man who’s now getting 11x more dates than before they started working together. This conversation mainly looks at the benefits of having someone else look at your specific situation, spot the blind spots you don’t even know you have, and tell you how to […]

Podcast #37: Why She Got Bored Of You

In today’s episode of the Game Global podcast, Ciaran spoke to dating coach Ryan Black about why women lose interest in guys they’re seeing, and what you can do to make sure the girls you see never lose their attraction for you. Here you’ll learn: Why you should never jump into a relationship with the […]