If you don’t fix THIS, nothing else will work Yo, it’s Ciaran. The YouTube video below demonstrates a few exercises to help you develop an attractive VOICE. Honestly, if you don’t get this down, none of the other things we teach you will work as well. Here is a short list of things that most […]
In this episode, Ciaran spoke to Pavitra, a fashion designer and self proclaimed goddess who lives in Bali. They discussed: The benefit of seeing sex as a playful game in which you connect to a flow of energy rather than a battle of conquest. How society deliberately controls us by limiting our access to sexual […]
In this episode, Ciaran spoke to his coaching client Mathew about a girl he had a sexually charged experienced but wasn’t able to sleep with. Here you’ll learn: What he did right and some specific things he could do better in future The mistakes men make that make women less attracted to them How being […]
Hey, it’s Ciaran. If you want to be liked by everyone, your best bet is to filter all unique parts of your personality, smile, take no risks and try to ‘fit in’ with all the normals. That’s a great strategy to have everyone think you’re ‘kind-of OK’. But it’s a horrible strategy to have anyone […]
In today’s episode Ciaran spoke to Game Global Co-founder Ice White about his awesome book The Message Game, a comprehensive guide to the dos and don’ts of messaging women. Here you’ll learn: The biggest mistakes men make when texting Why most men fail when messaging girls Why the man needs to lead the texting interaction […]
In today’s episode, Ciaran Callam had a fun and naughty conversation with bisexual exotic dancer Arabella Rayne about: Mistakes guys make with their grooming that turn girls off Why it’s important for a man to dress properly How to speak in a way that makes girls wet How she picks up girls for threesomes Why […]
Here’s the truth about learning game… Deep down, we already know what we should do. We know how to behave confidently. We know what women want. But we don’t do it… We self-sabotage… This video explains why we get in our own way – and how to stop… I’m hosting free 30-minute Skype consultations during […]