Most men push women away without even know it by trying to attract with the seller’s mentality.
Stuck in quarantine with no way of meeting girls? Continue your self-development with these five ‘inner game’ exercises.
This exercise will do much to turn you into a happy, authentic, confident man.
Become effortlessly smooth and witty with this exercise.
In today’s episode of the Game Global podcast Ciaran Callam spoke to 2 hot girls about everything they love and hate in the bedroom. This is easily the most risque, daring, and naughty episode we’ve done so far, but it’s jam packed with value too. If you want to know how women REALLY think about […]
We’ve all been there. You’re alone with a girl, the conversation’s been going well, she’s laughing at your jokes and the mood is good. You want move things forward in a sexual manner, but have no idea how to do it and are scared of rejection. Because of this, you do nothing and because of […]
Set yourself up for a brilliant night out with this challenge.
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Every man reading these words knows how it feels to be too scared to approach women. We’ve all suffered approach anxiety at some point in our lives and we’ve all beat ourselves up about it too. You see the woman, and you want to talk to her but fears and insecurities pound their way into […]
My thoughts on when you should and shouldn’t approach a woman.