A message for guys trying to make it work with their one special crush.
We have something special for you. Today we will start these so-called Game Global Missions, and we will release one every 2-4 weeks. The objective is to have fun but to also inspire you guys to take action and make things interesting. The Street Dance Challenge Submitted by: Evan of Game Berlin Find someone […]
These four exercises will skyrocket your self-esteem
These 10 simple exercises will help erase your anxiety around beautiful women
Approach anxiety is something that’s affected every man on the planet so to everyone who’s reading these words you’re in damn good company men. You’re not alone and we’ve all been there. You see that hot girl sitting across from you on the train and want to start a conversation with her but instead have […]
A manifesto for beginners
How to win BIG in today’s ultra-feminised society
We’re uploading our digital course to YouTube