Rollo Tomassi & The Red Pill

In December 2022, I interviewed Rollo Tomassi. I asked him about the ‘red pill’ and the ‘black pill’, and how damaging these ideas or concepts can be.

MGAI Beta: AI For Online Dating

Message Game AI (MGAI Beta) is an AI bot hosted via Telegram to help you message your Tinder matches and any other messaging interactions you have in the context of online dating.

James Tusk Scamming Wingmen

James Tusk, a well known pickup artist, has created a product/service around finding wingmen called ‘Tusk’s Global Wingman Finder‘. It doesn’t have a webpage. James Tusk directs people to send him an email with their phone number, and to pay at least £179 (Approximately $220) as a one-off fee for being connected to wingmen. In […]