The Pillars Of Game

Pickup artists spend too much time debating which type of game is best. It’s time to see the bigger picture of the dating game through an advanced and deeper understanding of the 5 pillars of game.
The 5 Pillars Of Game
There are 5 pillars of game in the pickup artist community.
- Social Circle Game
- Day Game
- Inner Game
- Night Game
- Message Game
Each pillar of game has a different meaning, but all are important and worth learning. For the more pillars of game you master, the more powerful you will be as a pickup artist.
Fun fact: The first letter of each pillar of game spells MINDS.
Speaking of minds…
The Pillar Of Inner Game
Inner game is the mind game.
It is arguably the most important pillar of game, being the psychological foundation of your game that determines how you react to situations and how you carry yourself.
Your confidence, beliefs and emotions are all part of your inner game. Your sense of identity is also hugely important in understanding who you are as a person and how you can portray yourself authentically to women.
However, inner game isn’t just about women. It’s about your mental wellbeing in general and carries across all aspects of your life.
With the right inner game, a man can go out into the world with confidence knowing that he is strong and unaffected by rejection. It’s gonna have to take so much more than a few women rejecting him to bring him down. A man with strong inner game will be able to overcome many obstacles that life will throw at him, and persevere on his path with confidence.
Signs of strong inner game:
- Authentic identity
- Sense of purpose
- Discipline
- Confidence
- Abundance
With the wrong inner game, men can end up paying women for sex or spiraling down into believing they are too unattractive to have any kind of relationship with a woman. Men with weak inner game tend to believe that they are ‘too short’, ‘too ugly’ or ‘too poor’ to attract women; these are called limiting beliefs.
Signs of weak inner game:
- Lack of emotional composure
- Heavy trauma
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Scarcity
Inner game is your mindset.
Inner Game Challenges
Personally, my inner game was tested like never before when my wife suffered a stroke, later undergoing brain surgery and being diagnosed with an extremely serious form of brain cancer. At the time, we had been married for 3 years, and our daughter was just 2 years old. My wife was diagnosed with Grade III Anaplastic Astrocytoma brain cancer, which has a death rate of 73% within the first 2 years. Faced with this devastating news, most people would probably just fall into a depression, run away or end the relationship. When my instincts kicked in, I chose to face the fire.
I saw an opportunity to come out stronger than ever before.
On the day of my wife’s brain surgery, I made the decision to go all in on my YouTube channel. I had 2,585 subscribers on that day. While she was hospitalized for the brain surgery, I interviewed Rollo Tomassi for my YouTube channel.
In the first few months of the cancer being known to us, I was pushed out of the job that I had. My job demanded 44 hours of work from me every week, sometimes more. Sometimes I would go to work wondering why the fuck I am there if my wife could die while I am out of the house at any moment. It felt like selling out my family for a few thousand dollars a month… And sometimes I would be in the house wanting to work. There was also a time when the stress of the future and my workload became too much for my body to handle, causing me to be very ill for several weeks. As someone who handles stress extremely well, this was a whole new level.
As I walked away from the job, I had a business proposal ready to sign a few days later, effectively saving my ass from not having enough income to survive the big city.
In the following months after the brain surgery I had also interviewed various coaches in the pickup artist industry. I then soon started hosting the Game Global debates and the Dating Coach Panel, after having too many coaches wanting me to interview them. The YouTube channel soon doubled, tripled and quadrupled in size.
Many great things have happened since. I signed a deal to write a second edition of my book. I went to Las Vegas for free. I made it beyond 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. But most underrated of all… I started being my own boss and working from home, with a schedule that I determine, working only for myself and in collaboration with others.
Through all this, my wife’s inner game was almost bulletproof. While her brain does suffer from the horrible disease with moments of confusion and the parts of the brain and body that are affected, she went all in to maximize her chances of survival. She committed herself to the ketogenic diet for a long time and took exercise very seriously. Cancer and its treatments forced her body to lose weight, until she was only 44KG (97LBS). It was then time to change the strategy so she wouldn’t be dangerously underweight.
There is no cure to her disease. Our lives have changed forever, and how we deal with it matters.
The 4 Outer Game Pillars
The opposite of inner game is outer game. It consists of the four pillars of game as the possible ways to meet and attract women; day game, night game, social circle game and message game.
Outer game consists of the social skills, strategies and techniques used to seduce women. This includes body language, verbal game, sexual escalation, cold approach and much more.
Where social circle game is concerned, outer game includes social proof, preselection, status and social calibration.
Where message game is concerned, outer game includes leading, timing, profile optimization and messaging.
While inner game focuses on the internal, outer game focuses on the external. It lies in what you actually do to seduce women.
Outer game is your action.
The Pillar Of Social Circle Game
Social circle game is the networking game.
It is a highly efficient form of game that enables you to meet women through women, rather than only meeting one woman at a time and never meeting her friends. Pickup artists always want to find the ‘best club’ or the ‘best place’ to meet women, but in reality the best place to meet women is in the invisible network of their own lives; women know women.
With a good understanding of social circle game, a man can build a social circle or join an already-existing social circle and use it to his advantage by meeting women either from it or using it as a base of support.
There are 3 important concepts in social circle game…
Status: Your position in the contextual social hierarchy. Status is merely a perception, and allows you to attract women just based off of the status that is perceived. While the lonely guy in the corner of the nightclub awkwardly holding his drink and watching the dancefloor is going to be unnoticed, the party host or DJ will be much more likely to be noticed due to their status as the king of the party. Status can be contextual and fluid, which can change depending on who socially captivates the room the most.
Social Proof: Being perceived through your already-achieved status or influence. Social proof makes you stand out by being immediately more perceivably trustworthy, by already having the approval of others. For example, a YouTuber will instantly have social proof by having a million subscribers on YouTube, and a man will have social proof when he is seen in photos with celebrities or beautiful women.
Preselection: Women are attracted to men who already desired by other women. Preselection is very similar to social proof, but is more specific to women being more attracted to you simply because you’re surrounded by other women.
Signs of strong social circle game:
- Friends in high places
- Thousands of friends/followers on social media
- Ability to be treated like a VIP and experience rare and unique things for free
- Ability to connect people together for all kinds of introductions
- Gets invited to things
Signs of weak social circle game:
- Lack of female friends
- Lack of social media presence
- Has to pay money for VIP treatment
- Struggles to get connections or to build a personal network of connections
- Never gets invited to anything
Social Circle Game Resources
Game Cities – The biggest network of wingmen in the world for day game.
Game Global – Skool group for social circle game advice.
Social Circle Game Playlist – A YouTube playlist of many useful videos on social circle game.
Men Of Action – A program by Michael Sartain for developing social circle game and establishing status through social circles.
Game Global Masterclass – Weekly classes that include a weekly Social Circle Game Class and a monthly Social Circle Game Masterclass.
The Pillar Of Day Game
Day game is the cold approach game.
Day game is the most favored pillar of game by pickup artists out of all the pillars of game. It is also the pillar furthest from social norms, and highly misunderstood when seen only from the surface level. Day game is typically labeled as being specific to places with high numbers of pedestrians to cold approach lots of women, but day game is actually much more than specifically going out on Saturdays for 5 hours to spam approach women at a specific street or mall.
A good day gamer should be able to cold approach women in any environment during the day, not just in parks, malls or on busy streets. Day game can be done throughout your day on the way to wherever you may be going, around your life. It is necessary to understand that day game ideally happens as a side quest on the way to your mission, not a mission in itself.
This is where day game really is:
- Grocery stores
- Elevators
- Malls
- Parks
- Streets
- Beaches
- Universities
- Workplaces
- Gyms
Some day gamers do direct game and some do indirect game; direct gamers put their intentions upfront while indirect gamers come under the radar and just be social opportunists. It is more advisable to use indirect game in certain environments, such as university, the workplace or the gym due to the social circle or expectational attachments they come with.
Day Game Resources
Game Cities – The biggest network of wingmen in the world, and the best place to find wingmen for day game.
Game Global – Skool group for day game advice, field reports and infield videos.
Game Maps – Maps of day game locations and date locations for many cities around the world.
Community Bootcamps – A map of scheduled pickup artist bootcamps in the seduction community.
Coaching Day – Mini day game sessions with local coaches in various cities around the world.
Game Global Masterclass – Weekly classes that include a weekly Day Game Class and a monthly Day Game Masterclass.
The Pillar Of Night Game
Night game is the party game.
It is a popular pillar for the young and those who like to party.
Night game typically happens in 4 environments…
- Nightclubs
- Parties
- Bars
- Streets
Nightclubs and parties are very similar to each other, and they might as well be the same thing. Concerts included. Women tend to dress for the occasion, and these types of places appeal to single women who just want to dance, hang out with their female friends or hook up with a guy. Something great about nightclubs and parties in general is that it’s a closed social environment. You’re not going to the party just to be there for 5 minutes. There’s a start time, and end time, and people will generally confine themselves to it for several hours. In other words… They aren’t in a rush, they don’t really need to go anywhere, and they came for a reason.
Bars can have some weird kind of convergence with parties and nightclubs. Some bars could have a little dancefloor or have some of the same elements. But otherwise, bars can generally be static environments with seating where the purpose is generally to sit down and swallow liquid that may or may not kill you someday. It’s not for everyone, but night gamers with savvy verbal game will be attracted to bars.
Streets are perhaps the worst form of night game. While some streets in some cities can have their own nice vibe at night and good connotations, most streets in most cities at night would easily be referred to as streets for ‘gutter game’. Hanging around outside a club in the early hours of the morning is sometimes a necessity for the guys who have no other choice but to stand there creepily waiting for a woman to go home with them. But a good night gamer running game on the street wouldn’t be one of those guys. A good street gamer would be more fluid, and not reliant on the foot traffic of women who stayed until the clubs closed.
Night Game Resources
Game Cities – The biggest network of wingmen in the world, and the best place to find wingmen for night game.
Game Global – Skool group for night game advice, field reports and infield videos.
Game Maps – Maps of night game locations for many cities around the world.
Community Bootcamps – A map of scheduled pickup artist bootcamps in the seduction community.
Coaching Day – Mini night game sessions with local coaches in various cities around the world.
Game Global Masterclass – Weekly classes that include a weekly Night Game Class and a monthly Night Game Masterclass.
The Pillar Of Message Game
Message game is the marketing game.
It is the most popular pillar in all of society, but most people do not understand how to navigate it and remain almost completely clueless and never reaching their full potential.
There are 3 parts to message game, some more popular than others…
- Messaging
- Online Dating
- Social Media
Online dating allows you to match with women you’re interested in based on each other’s profiles and bio.
Social media allows you to build a long-lasting profile that is virtually present on your behalf, allowing you to connect with people long term, even for many years to come. Because social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram expose your connections to the content you post, it enables your connections to be prompted to interact with you even weeks, months or years after originally connecting. You can showcase your lifestyle by posting temporary content on stories or permanent content on your timeline/grid.
One of the best parts of using social media to your advantage is by posting photos and videos from your dates in subtle or non-subtle ways, which can quite often encourage other women to take notice and even message you about it. There have been plenty of times when women would watch my story and see that I was obviously on a date with a woman because you could see her hands by a plate of food in the background with her painted nails, or just a social photo where I’m with at least one woman somewhere. Sometimes this would lead to women going on dates with me because they noticed other women were going on dates with me or hanging out with me.
Where messaging in general is concerned, there are 3 rules of message game…
- Skip The Bullshit
- Lead
- Meet
The rule of skipping the bullshit means that you shouldn’t waste time or opportunities talking about things that are completely irrelevant to the purpose; to meet her. If your message doesn’t take a step towards meeting her, it is a ‘bullshit’ message because you’re creating or reinforcing bullshit instead of skipping it.
The rule of leading means that it is your responsibility to lead the conversation in alignment with the purpose; to meet her. By leading the conversation forward, you are not depending on women to make everything happen. At the same time, leading allows you to know much faster if she wants to meet you or not, because the best way to know if she is interested in you is if she actually takes up an opportunity to meet you.
The meet rule is very simple. It’s the end result you should be aiming for in message game; to get her physical body in front of you instead of being virtual pen pals for weeks and weeks until she finds something better to do. By meeting her and hanging out, you are effectively having a date and therefore able to make the magic happen. Message game is merely a facilitation to extend opportunities to women so they can meet you and be with you in-person.
Signs of strong message game:
- Thousands of friends/followers on social media
- Hundreds of Tinder matches
- Ability to meet women in-person quickly from messaging
- Women message you from what you posted on your story on social media
- Ability to lead the conversation thread
Signs of weak message game:
- Fake followers on social media
- No social media presence
- Struggling to line up dates with women over messages
- Not getting matches on dating apps
- Neediness when messaging women
Message Game Resources
The Message Game – Ice White’s bestselling book on messaging and dating; the top book in the seduction community for message game.
Tinder Profile Checklist – A checklist for building the best possible Tinder profile, or any dating app profile in general.
Message Game – The original Facebook group for message game advice.
Message Game – The original Telegram group for message game advice.
Game Global – Skool group for message game advice.
Dating App Photoshoots – Professional photographers who can help you get the right photos for your dating app profile.
MGAI – The AI wingman for online dating; you can upload screenshots of your messages with women for the AI to give what exactly to send her to get a date with her. Use code MESSAGEGAMECOACH to use it for free for 2 months.
Ultimate Dating Blueprint – Digital course for messaging women and online dating by Playing With Fire.
Game Global Masterclass – Weekly classes that include a weekly Message Game Class and a monthly Message Game Masterclass.
Combining Game Modes
While the pillars of game have their own unique and beautiful things about them when stood alone, a pillar is useless if it is not supporting anything but itself.
Combining the pillars of game is hugely overlooked in the seduction community. Higher levels of game can be achieved, supported with more pillars and a stronger foundation.
By not including one pillar in your game, you are limiting yourself to fewer avenues of meeting women. Fewer pillars of game also make your game weaker than those who include all pillars of game, because each is a skill set on top of a way to meet women.
Social Circle Game + Message Game
Social circle game and message game go both ways, and are very powerful together.
1. Meeting women from a social circle and connecting with them on social media, thus reinforcing your own network and social circle.
2. Connecting with women from social media or online dating and bringing them into a social circle or joining their social circle.
They feed into each other in an incredible way.
When moving women from a social circle to social media, you reinforce your own network and social circle simultaneously by preserving parts of a pre-existing social circle among your social media connections.
When moving women from online dating or social media to a social circle, you get to form your own social circle and create connections between a singular person and other women, which can generate strong bonds and friendships. It also allows you to meet more women from the individual women you matched with on datings apps, or that you were already connected with through social media.
By meeting women through their female friends and enhancing your social media profiles with those connections as friends and followers, you get an incredibly strong female support base on both sides, reinforcing as female engagement on your social media profiles… Something that most guys will never achieve in their lifetime.
When women come across your social media profiles and see plenty of photos and videos of you hanging out with other women, you become qualified at the literal speed of light in her eyes through strong solid proof and preselection. This effect will be permanent for every woman who sees your Instagram or Facebook profile, as long as you maintain content that shows you being around women.
Day Game + Social Circle Game
Day game and social circle game goes one way.
You can meet women through day game as a means to build a social circle.
Most day gamers completely miss this opportunity by meeting women through day game only to take individual women on individual dates, whereas instead they could make one simple change by inviting the individual women they met from day game to dates which are more like social events, or ‘social dates’.
For example, instead of inviting 10 women from day game out to 10 separate coffee dates, you could invite those 10 women to a group brunch, lunch or dinner. You could even call such social events ‘Taco Tuesday’ or ‘Sushi Sunday’. There are all kinds of social events you could invite women to. You could have a group picnic or a group BBQ.
Aside from food, you could go to the beach as a group, invite women with you to a party, or just virtually anything that makes sense as a fun group activity that doubles up as a way of interacting with the women there.
The best part of switching the strategy of day game to one that has a social circle game aspect is that it’s all indirect. This means that there is no such thing as rejection, because you are simply inviting women to a social thing…
When inviting a woman to a date, she is either going on a date with you or rejecting you.
When inviting multiple women to a social event, she is either tagging along or simply not coming to the event. Thus, she is rejecting the instance of the event, instead of rejecting you personally.
Night Game + Social Circle Game
Night game and social circle game go both ways.
1. Meeting women from night game and bringing them, or yourself, into a social circle.
2. Meeting women from a social circle and bringing them out with you for night game.
The beauty of night game in particular is that women love to get dressed up and dolled up for a night out, and it gets particularly more outrageous the more women are involved…
When you turn night game and social circle game in your favor, you can have parties with insane ratios of women. Dan Bilzerian recommends a ratio of 7 women for each man, which leads to a crazy environment where men are the scarce and women are abundant. Thus, leading to women competing with each other.
It will be a challenge not to get laid in an environment where there are 7 women to 1 man.
Day Game + Message Game
Day game and message game goes one way.
You can meet women through day game and then use message game to get them out on a date with you at a later time.
It’s pretty simple.
However, the best way to get a woman’s phone number is by telling her to give her your phone, adding your phone number to it and then sending yourself a message from her phone. That way, she cannot give you a fake phone number, and you bypass the DM requests folder. And if that’s not enough, the ball is automatically in your court, and you can then send her a message whenever you want, knowing that your message will get through no problem.
Night Game + Message Game
Night game and message game go both ways.
1. Meeting women from night game and connecting on social media or getting her phone number.
2. Connecting with women from social media or online dating and bringing them out with you for night game.
However, getting phone numbers from night game tend to be more flaky than getting phone numbers from women in other game scenarios. This is often associated with the night before being a bit of a blur from sleep deprivation or alcohol, or just overstimulation and validation from the fast paced night game environment now being somewhat gone and meaningless.
Flakiness can be avoided by connecting on social media, as it deems you more trustworthy and brings her new memories of you over time. There’s one particular woman who met me only once through night game when I was with a different woman, and then had sex with me well over a year later simply because we were exposed to each other on Facebook.
There are solid opportunities to bring Tinder matches and female friends on Facebook to a night out with you, which could either be a date in itself or an opportunity to leverage some social circle game. For example, even when I had a girlfriend, I was able to invite girls to the club with me just by messaging them. On one particular Halloween, the girls wanted to come dressed as school girls or ‘Ice’s Angels’.
On another occasion, a girl I matched with on Tinder came over to my place for pre-drinks and then went to the club with me. She became my girlfriend. There are plenty of other amazing instances that could be shared, where I used night game as a date activity in itself. And those dates were very memorable, especially because the women put a lot of care into the sexy outfits they choose at night.
Navigating The Game
Game Global Masterclass is the ultimate map for game, encompassing day game, night game, message game and social circle game with classes every week, including special masterclasses in the first week of each month.
Game Global Masterclass offers a 7 day free trial, allowing you to join 4 1-hour classes completely free.
It also includes various courses you will also be able to access during the free trial, with no commitment necessary.
The 2 Worlds Of Game
There are two worlds of game; the physical world and the virtual world. These are defined by two overall categories of game…
Primary Game: Game in the physical world, such as interacting with women in day game or night game.
Secondary Game: Game in the virtual world, such as interacting with women on Tinder or Instagram, or even dating in VR.
These categories go beyond the pillars of game and have their own interesting implications.
Primary Game
Primary game is reality.
Doing game in the physical world is amazing. You could have the most ecstatic experiences just talking to women, having fun and feeling butterflies in your stomach from all the magic that is happening… The look she gives to you… The sexual tension that is building…
There are some primary game purists who believe that primary game is the one true way to meet and interact with women, believing that online dating and social media are for suckers. But that wouldn’t be accurate. There is no invalid way of meeting women.
It would be a huge mistake to dedicate yourself purely to the world of primary game, because you would be limiting yourself by refusing to build a virtual network.
Secondary Game
Secondary game is not a reflection of reality.
Anything can be faked on the Internet and on a screen. Her photos could be fake, with filters or edits. Her entire profile could be fake, and run by a 40 year old man in India. She might not even exist!
While this all seems so brutally dark and negative, there is one simple thing you need to understand with secondary game…
It’s really all just message game. And just like message game, the one true purpose of it all is to meet her. Until then, none of it is real.
Sadly there are many people, men and women, who get scammed on the Internet. Not just in dating scams, but in finance scams, business scams and every kind of scam there is.
If you don’t know your way around the virtual world, you better learn. And the best way to avoid any kind of scam, or any failure with women in the sphere of secondary game, is simply by moving the interaction into the real world… The physical world. Because there is nothing real to gain if you cannot move it from secondary game to primary game.
Secondary game must always lead to primary game.
You might get excited over her nudes or her flirty messages.
But until she meets you; until you move the interaction to primary game, there is no game to be won.
You can’t have sex in the virtual world.
All good secondary game always leads to primary game.