Real Social Dynamics Betrayed Me

Someone gave me the book The Game by Neil Strauss back in early 2016, and I read it eagerly. Just like a lot of its readers, I Googled ‘Real Social Dynamics’ (RSD) to find more about it. The company was portrayed quite negatively in the book, but it’s often the first thing people check after reading it. Little did I know that a few years later, I would begin to understand through my own personal experiences how terrible RSD can be.
One thing led to another, and next thing I knew… I was in the ‘RSD Inner Circle’ groups and watching their videos.
Real Social Dynamics was pretty big.
Now let’s get to the juicy parts.
Within a few weeks, I started working with Real Social Dynamics. It started with RSD Max, who was also known as Maximilian Berger. Then RSD Luke became interested, and I started also working with RSD Luke. By the end of the year, I was leader of one of the RSD Inner Circle groups and working with even more RSD Instructors. And over my time, here’s who I worked with or collaborated with at some level:
- RSD Max (Maximilian Berger)
- RSD Luke (Luke Krogh)
- RSD Ozzie
- RSD Jeffy (Jeffy Allen)
- RSD Derek (Dale Buczkowski/Derek Moneyberg)
- RSD Papa (Nick Kho)
- RSD Madison (Madison Monroe)
- RSD Maze
Here’s a photo of me and RSD Max from years ago, back when I looked like a Chechen.
I also met RSD Todd (Todd Valentine/Todd Vandehey/Todd V), but I never worked with him. I did go to a club with him a few times though. By then he left Real Social Dynamics. He had disputes with them. Some say he got screwed over.
In the end, I got screwed over by RSD. They betrayed me.
So let’s get to the point, now that some context is out of the way.
RSD Euro Summit
In 2018, I hosted RSD Euro Summit for Real Social Dynamics. We had RSD Derek, RSD Ozzie, RSD Maze, and some other speakers. During that event, RSD took me to a room in the hotel and proposed a deal. They wanted me to make videos for RSD, and feature them on the RSD website, it was at the time.
This means that, back in 2018, I would be the ONLY person with videos featured on the RSD website that isn’t officially an RSD Instructor. It seemed like RSD was watching me for a while, which I did actually begin to notice based on conversations with the CEO, and it seemed that maybe this could lead to me becoming the next RSD Instructor…
Until it was over.
It never happened. A month later, the RSD Inner Circles went offline with no explanation. RSD just went very quiet for a while. The groups ceased to exist. The website also went offline. In fact… RSD completely erased its history from the Internet archive.
That’s not the bad part. It gets far worse.
In 2019, I started creating the Game Global network of Game Cities, to fill the void RSD left behind when they ghosted everyone and abandoned their own community. Little did I know that the real problems with RSD were about the begin, even though they completely disappeared.
It was unexpected.
Copyright Strikes
On 7 October 2019, I received a copyright strike on one of my videos on the Ice White channel on YouTube. It was a video I made with Ozzie. It was filmed specifically at my own event, by myself.
I filed a counter notification.
Real Social Dynamics Damaged A Mental Health Charity
On 8 October 2019, my channel was taken offline. I did not notice. I did not receive any emails or notifications about it.
On 11 October 2019, I realized that my channel disappeared, along with all my other channels. My counter notification then disappeared into thin air as a result. My channel and the account… Completely gone. I couldn’t even access it. I emailed RSD support. The only option I had was to therefore contact the claimant, RSD.
They said they would get back to me within 24 hours. They did not.
On 20 October 2019, I emailed them again. No response. They never actually got back to me. The only option I had left was clearly useless.
I waited a while.
This was bigger than me and my channel. I didn’t want my channel back. I wanted the channel of my friend’s charity back. Because my main channel, Ice White, was offline, YouTube took down all other channels that are connected. This meant that the YouTube channel for a mental health charity went offline, all because RSD filed false copyright complaints on YouTube.
RSD was already pretty much finished, so I didn’t care about my old videos on the Ice White channel, aside from the Ross Jeffries interview. I just wanted the charity channel back online, because that charity was set up in response to my friend hanging himself from a tree. So I take it very fucking personally, and very seriously. The YouTube channel was the main source of awareness for the charity.
It became my mission to convince RSD to not be assholes, and to retract their false copyright claims so I can get the channel back for the charity.
On 12 February 2020, I messaged Nick Kho, who was in the book The Game as Papa. He was the CEO of RSD for many years, but he simply said that he is no longer with RSD.
I previously interviewed Nick Kho, but the video was never released. He never gave me the footage, for whatever reason. So I didn’t expect much.
On 18 February 2020, I then messaged RSD’s new CEO. René Rodriguez. He ignored me.
On 29 February 2020, I messaged René Rodriguez again. He blocked me.
I can confirm that he doesn’t give a shit. He is an asshole. On his Instagram he has quotes, and some of his own inspirational quotes he made himself.
One of those quotes is a picture of him smiling with the caption ‘we’re in this together’.
No, we’re not in this together. You’re an asshole, René. You don’t care about other people, and you don’t care about mental health charities.
I am not going to tolerate RSD pissing over my friend’s grave and the charity named after him.
Furthermore, I will also not tolerate RSD’s sheer disrespect and the tactics of ignoring a basic and reasonable request.
Exposing Real Social Dynamics
So, on 20 May 2020, I jumped on a call with John Anthony to expose Real Social Dynamics. I wanted to get my message out there. I tried everything else. It was time to make it public.
Straight after that call, I filmed my own video. It gained thousands of views quite quickly, and then alarms went off at RSD HQ.
RSD Luke
On 24 May 2020, Luke Krogh sent me a message. He reached out to express concern, and he genuinely wanted to find a solution. He was the first person from RSD to actually come forward and treat me like a human.
I worked with Luke before. He was the second RSD guy I ever assisted. I met him in-person for the first time in 2017.
Here’s a low quality and dark photo of the two of us, in a dark room, for some reason.
It was a video, so that explains the weird expression on my face.
That day, he bought a drink for me and my girlfriend. I still have the receipt.
That said, I respect Luke. He genuinely cares.
The Man Who Pulled The Trigger Inside Real Social Dynamics
On 5 June 2020, I messaged Alejandro Cordero after doing deeper research. Who is this guy? Well, let me explain.
I was finally able to submit a counter notification through YouTube, and it required me to access an email account I no longer had access to. I finally got into it and was able to go through YouTube, hoping that YouTube would help me.
His name was mentioned after I submitted the counter notification.
I will look for you. I will find you. And I will ruin your whole career.
I started digging. I found this. According to ZoomInfo, he was listed as the Account Executive of Real Social Dynamics.
So I ran the classic Facebook search routine. I found his profile and sent him a message.
He blocked me.
So I would like to take this opportunity to say that Alejandro Cordero is also an asshole. Don’t hire him. He’s incompetent. He doesn’t care about people, and above all, he will just make your company look terrible.
Seriously, how much of a fascist do you have to be to not care about charities? How much of an asshole do you have to be to purposefully and knowingly ignore a basic and fair request to undo damage to a charity? It’s unbelievable.
This is for a charity. Someone died for this. You’re alive, you can do something about it, and you refuse to?
No response is a response, and it’s a powerful one.
My friend who died is worth much more as a dead person than you are worth alive. That’s how I feel when you give me nothing.
A decent person would solve the problem straight away, without hesitation.
RSD Tyler
On 9 June 2020, I messaged Owen Cook. The main man of RSD. Surely he can do something.
Less than a week later, he responded with progress. Finally, someone in RSD was actually doing something about it.
Resolution With Real Social Dynamics
Finally on 28 July 2020, the channels were all back online.
I abandoned the Ice White channel and deleted most of the videos.
I looked at the stats at a later time. It was terrible.
The charity lost 295 days of time. In all this time, we could have helped people, raised awareness, raised money and even potentially saved lives from those who suffer from depression.
What Now?
First of all, I would like to thank Luke Krogh and Owen Cook for being the only supportive people in Real Social Dynamics. Owen Cook ultimately solved the problem, but the two of them both deserve the recognition. I truly respect their responses to the situation, and I am grateful for their help.
Everyone else at Real Social Dynamics was about as useless as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking competition. But be advised, some RSD figures you may have known previously, such as RSD Max, already moved on from RSD long ago. I am still in contact with Max, and I can speak positively of the guy. But he has nothing to do with this. As for everyone else, who was still in RSD and in the position to do something about it… Well…
You suck.
On a more practical note, in January 2022 I had a crazy idea that came to me in a dream, which deals with how to fundraise effectively for the charity.
At the end of the pandemic, I will be touring all, or most of, the Canadian provinces. This will be when I intend to fundraise. I hope to reach the national news. We have done it before, we can do it again.
I will not name the charity until closer to the time, as I do not really want a bunch of RSD-supporters to suddenly support, or attack, the charity when there’s already so much to deal with, and with the fact that this shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
That being said…
If you have troubles with depression, talk to someone. You can’t keep it hidden inside.
In time, I will show the charity and its achievements. Until then… Keep watching.