Why I Respect Everyone In The ‘Game Community’

I always felt an immediate bond with anyone who told me they were into ‘game’. Here’s the main reason why…
Humans are incredibly stubborn – and men in particular.
Most of us are too proud to ask for directions when we are completely lost. A lot of us won’t accept help carrying an extremely heavy item of furniture.
It’s just the way we’re programmed, I guess.
We believe that a real man can figure everything out and fix everything himself.
Of course, this is completely to our detriment.
Humans are always stronger when working as a team. Plus, everyone who is at the top of their field employs a ton of coaches to help them stay there. Tiger Woods has a swing coach. Lebron James has a shooting coach. Beyonce has a vocal coach etc etc.
Still, as silly as it sounds – this is just the way we are. That’s not going to change any time soon.
And it’s definitely not going to change for the skills that men are supposedly meant to know naturally.
I think that’s why I have always felt a natural bond with all men in the ‘game community’.
The game community is great, because these guys want more from their lives. They want to live the fullest social lives possible – and they have taken that awkward first step of admitting they need help.
“I think the hardest part is admitting that you need help – but I don’t regret it at all. I think it was probably one of the best decisions I ever made.
“Once we started going and doing the work, it was just life-changing.”
That’s a quote from Matt – one of Ciaran’s coaching students – in the video above.
He understands that the first step is the hardest, and so do we.
That’s why whatever step you’re taking in order to improve your social and dating life, we honestly think that’s so awesome!
In our eyes, that makes you so much better than the average guy (who, by the way, will only sleep with 7 women in his whole life statistically – and still not ask for help).
Anyway, if you’re ready for a helping hand to skyrocket your social and dating life to new levels, Ciaran is still offering a handful of FREE 30-minute Skype calls over the next few days.
In these calls, you’ll create a plan to transform you to address your current sticking points and transform you into the charismatic guy with the abundant dating life you always wanted.
To book a call, just click here and choose the best date and time for him to call you >>
Speak soon,