Should I Game With Low Self-Esteem?

Should you be out approaching women if you have low self-esteem – or should you work on yourself first, then start gaming when you’re more confident?
Hey, it’s Ciaran. We received an interesting question in our Game Academy VIP group recently regarding self-esteem.
A student asked: should you be out approaching women if you have low self-esteem – or should you focus on self-improvement first, then start gaming when you’re more confident?
Let me spit some facts:
✔️ Game is infinitely easier when you believe you deserve beautiful women.
✔️ Your confidence will show in your body language, eye contact and the moves that you make around women.
✔️ You’ll also be an objectively better candidate for women if you start working on your body, your finances, your social life etc.
But, I still think you should be out practicing approaching women TODAY, no matter where your self-esteem is at.
And the main reason is: learning game will improve your self-esteem (if you’re doing it right).
If someone has no confidence, but they follow the guidance of a great coach, they’ll get results with women.
A great coach will discover what you’re doing wrong and tell you what to change.
They’ll teach you the fundamental lesson that: Game is something you can improve over time.
So, you’ll go from thinking: “I’m useless with women” to realizing “If I practice what this coach teaches me, I can get better.”
That should fill you with confidence and hope for the future.
Over the last few years, I’ve been teaching countless men how to attract women who they previously considered ‘out of their league’.
Want to find out if coaching with me is a good fit? Click here to book a free 30-minute call with me.