I will never forget the moment I was informed of the death of Tom Torero, I felt compelled to do something. It felt like injustice.
Tags : Day Game
Game Global asked the pickup community to vote for the greatest pickup artists of all time during nominations for Best Pickup Artist 2023. Here are the 20 greatest pickup artists of all time.
Neil Strauss wrote that Badboy was ‘a charismatic PUA who limped and had only partial use of his left arm after getting hit by sniper fire during the war‘ in Yugoslavia.
I asked dating coach Alex James if guys could learn how to never run out of things to say. Alex James was an Instructor for Real Social Dynamics (RSD) from 2007 to 2015.
James Tusk, a well known pickup artist, has created a product/service around finding wingmen called ‘Tusk’s Global Wingman Finder‘. It doesn’t have a webpage. James Tusk directs people to send him an email with their phone number, and to pay at least £179 (Approximately $220) as a one-off fee for being connected to wingmen. In […]
We at Game Global decided to ask thousands of people which city was the best city for meeting women. We have identified the top 20 cities around the world for picking up women.