Ice White assembled yet another panel of coaches on the Dating Coach Panel, featuring Mike PickupAlpha, Markus Wolf and Ciaran Callam.
Tags : Frame Control
I will never forget the moment I was informed of the death of Tom Torero, I felt compelled to do something. It felt like injustice.
I asked Ross Jeffries more about his infamous NLP patterns, which are known for getting women hot and steamy. Language patterns use all kinds of verbal game techniques to sexualize and escalate conversations with women into sex.
Neil Strauss wrote that Badboy was ‘a charismatic PUA who limped and had only partial use of his left arm after getting hit by sniper fire during the war‘ in Yugoslavia.
In 1992, Ross Jeffries was part of a talk show on NBC called the Faith Daniels Show. It is probably the most entertaining piece of seduction history.
According to the Game Glossary, a ‘shit test’ is ‘something that a woman has said to a man that will, based on his response, give her information on whether or not he is strong enough to be worthy of being a boyfriend or sexual partner‘.