Tinder Profile Checklist

Ever wondered what’s wrong with your photos or bio on Tinder? There’s now a Tinder Profile Checklist for that!
After our notorious interview with a Tinder employee, we gathered as much information as possible to identify how to make a great Tinder profile, based on what kinds of photos to have and what kinds of photos to avoid. Many guys have been struggling with this for years, and Tinder doesn’t offer any guidance at all. It’s time to change that.
See transcript and summary of the Tinder employee interview here.
The Tinder Profile Checklist has been updated according to 2023 Tinder statistics.
Tinder Profile Checklist
This document was created by Ice White, bestselling author of The Message Game. For more Tinder strategies and help, join the Facebook group.
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Getting The Right Photos For Your Tinder Profile
Photo Basics
- Have at least 5 photos
- Photos are clear
- Photos are high quality
- None of the photos are selfies
- None of the photos contain a mirror reflection of me
- None of the photos are memes
- All photos contain me
- There are no bulky clothes
- The majority of photos do not have sunglasses or other items covering the eyes or face
- There are no captive exotic animals in any of my photos
- There are no guns or other weapons, unless you’re throwing an axe or shooting an arrow
Better Photos
- Have at least one photo of me participating in a hobby or activity that I love
- Have some photos in natural settings of light
- My posture is good
- Any shirtless photos of me are in a beach or activity context
- My photos give a good taste of who I am
Group Photos (If Applicable)
- Photos are clear
- Photos are high quality
- None of the photos are ‘bro photos’ hanging out with the boys
- Photos show me in the exact middle of the group
- Photos do not show me leaning my neck or my body posture towards someone else
- There are less group photos than other photos
Optional Photos
- Have at least one photo of me with a dog or cat
- Have at least one photo that shows social proof
Getting The Right Bio For Your Tinder Profile
Bio Basics
- Bio does not repeat or explain what is already revealed in photos
- Bio is longer than a few words
- Bio is not negative in any way
- Bio is not longer than 2 paragraphs
- Bio is not longer than 3 lines at most
- Bio does not contain usernames to Instagram or other apps
Tinder Profile Checklist Explanations
3-Photo Minimum
If there are less than 3 photos, are you even real? As stated in my book, The Message Game, a great rule to help you maintain your position in the Tinder algorithm is to swipe left on every profile that has less than 3 photos. It’s simply not worth it, and the profile probably isn’t real in the first place. Even if it was real, a profile with such a lack of information is an unreliable profile that wouldn’t even be worth your time. Thus, by systematically excluding such low quality profiles, it’s a sign to the Tinder algorithm that you are not a bot and that you have at least some kind of standard.
Low Quality Photos
If you think you can get away with uploading photos from a potato phone like the iPhone 6, you can forget it. Turn off your computer right now and never use Tinder again.
Stop taking selfies. Seriously. It is the lowest possible standard of photography, and that’s if you have the audacity to even call it a form of photography. It is extremely low quality and too easy. For every selfie you have on your Tinder profile, your profile is being drowned by everyone who doesn’t have selfies. This also includes mirror selfies. Just don’t.
Exotic Animal Photos
The huge problem with having photos of captive animals or exotic animals is the mere fact that the animals have probably been removed from their natural environment just for people like you to pose with them in exchange for money. This means that you shouldn’t be riding elephants or holding tigers, but it’s okay to ride a horse. Even Tinder tweeted calling for Tinder users to take down tiger selfies. If you’re still thinking that animals don’t matter, just consider the possibility that you may be giving a lot of people reasons to swipe left on you, and this will affect your positioning in the Tinder algorithm.
No Guns/Weapons On Tinder Profile
Tinder isn’t an Alabama dating site. Guns are a huge turn off, and it will simply damage your profile’s positioning in the Tinder algorithm. Although Tinder’s gun policy is very unclear, Tinder specifically does not want photos that could be perceived as threatening or violent.
No Shirtless Photos (Sometimes)
This is not an absolute rule, there are exceptions. If you have a photo of yourself in a boxing ring because it’s your hobby, that could make for a great photo for Tinder. If you’re at the beach, it probably makes sense to be shirtless. Aside from that, if you’re just posing topless, it’s generally greasy and will turn off a lot of people seeing your profile. It will do more harm than good, unless the context makes sense.
Group Photos
There are some major problems with group photos. There’s always one dummy looking the wrong way, or someone blinking at the wrong moment. There are so many things that go wrong with group photos, and thus it becomes quite complicated. However, you can avoid a lot of the group photo mistakes if you are at the center of the photo. This means that it is clear which person you are, and that you carry some level of social proof if it appears that the crowd orbits around you. This also means that you aren’t subjected to the outer shell of the group, as such people tend to lean their neck or posture in such ridiculous ways to hope that they are not left out of the photo. Don’t be that guy.
Pet Photos
There are so many animals that could be considered pets, but we shall stick with discussing dogs to avoid complicating things. In simple terms, research shows that having a dog in your Tinder profile’s photos increases your chances of getting matches.
Negative Bios
You should absolutely avoid any kind of negativity in your Tinder bio. This includes writing things such as ‘swipe left if…’ or ‘I’m tired of people are not serious about dating’. It’s just unrelatable and does nothing for you.
Instagram Username In Bio
Unless you’re a woman, it’s not really useful to put your Instagram username in your Tinder bio. It’s not like you have any followers anyway. Boom. Roasted.
Bonus Tip
We developed an AI for online dating, backed with over 10,000 references, a bestselling book and real dating, messaging and AI expertise. It has been developed by former Google employees and is free to try out.
Try copying and pasting your current bio to MGAI, asking for an improved bio and see what happens!
Start MGAI.
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