Why Courage Is The Most Important Trait

Game is not for cowards
Hey, it’s Ciaran.
In order to make progress in game, you have to leave your comfort zone.
The first time you’re…
- approaching a woman during the daytime
- approaching a group
- going for a kiss
- pulling on the first date
- winning the attention of the perfect 10 in the VIP section
Before every milestone, you’ll feel dread, you’ll hear excuses, you won’t want to do it.
But then you push through your mental barriers – and go for it anyway. That’s called courage.
Perhaps it doesn’t work first time.
So, you try again and again.
You begin to improve…
Each time, it becomes less daunting. It feels more natural. Until, it becomes as simple as tying your shoelaces.
Once you reach that level of courage and confidence, women will follow your lead. It’s human nature.
It’s amazing how far you can go when you believe in yourself.
It’s depressing how awful you’ll remain when you don’t push yourself to try new things.
Leaving my comfort zone
Recently, I made a business decision that was miles outside of my comfort zone.
I have been searching for new coaching clients using Facebook ads.
This was extremely daunting – and I had no idea what I was doing – so I invested in help from someone who did.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly you progress when you do that 😉
Anyway, after a few tweaks to our ad, it has become extremely profitable.
I’m so excited to be working with so many new clients who had never previously heard of Game Global.
The bad news is: I may not have time to be offering free coaching calls to existing Game Global members for much longer.
So, if you were thinking of booking some time with me, you need to move quickly.
Throughout the lockdown period, I have been using these free calls to help guys create a plan to attract more women into their life.
And I have made some time available for you this week…
But, I’m scheduled to be moving to Bali the week after.
So, this really could be your last chance.
Click here to book a free 30-minute call with me >>
Speak soon,