Why You Give Up So Easily (+ How To Fix It)

My guide to pushing past your insecurities and going for what you actually want.
Hey, it’s Ciaran.
You’re a damn schizophrenic – and you don’t even know it!
All humans are!
If I ask you: “Do you want to date loads of amazing hot women this month?”
…you’ll probably say “Hell yeah, Ciaran!”
That’s the conscious version of you …and I like him 🙂
But now let me ask you this…
How come you’re not out trying to meet women every day??
How come you always find excuses not to approach?
How come you’re not making a move when you get on these dates??
Deep down, you know that’s what you need to have an incredible sex life
And you said that’s what you wanted, right?!
Well, that’s what the conscious version of you said…
The problem is: you also have a subconscious version of yourself ruining the party.
This guy is obsessed with who you used to be.
He’s constantly sending messages of doubt, fear and resistance whenever you try to step up.
He’s always suggesting that success with women isn’t for guys like you.
And it’s hard to blame him.
That’s what bullies/girls at school/everyone has been telling him for years.
I listened to ‘subconscious Ciaran’ for years.
When I was getting on a nice run of cold-approaching women, he’d find excuses for me to stop.
When a date was going really well, he’d come up with excuses for me not to get physical.
He was determined to keep me as ‘Mr Nice Guy Ciaran’.
The same ‘Mr Nice Guy’ who girls liked, but would never sleep with.
The question is: how to get over these harmful subconscious thoughts?
Well, the first step is to recognise what’s going on.
We all hear this unhelpful inner voice when transforming into someone better!
Once you understand why it exists, it becomes easier to ignore it and PUSH FORWARD ANYWAY.
Of course, it’s easier said than done – and there are other things you can do.
It really helped me to find a mentor to speak to about these limiting beliefs destroying my self-esteem.
That’s why I’m so excited to have freed up some time to speak to you over the phone for FREE.
If you click here, you’ll see my calendar and the remaining free consultation sessions I have left for this week.
We can use this call to discuss any issues you’re having with the opposite sex, and I’ll help you create a plan to overcome it.
Spots are limited though.
So, you better book your spot right now >>
Speak soon,